How Long Do MREs Last And How To Store

MREs last 3 years at normal temperatures (80 degrees F), and up to five years if they are stored at much lower temperatures.

What Do MREs Contain?


Every ingredient for one meal is included in each MRE.

Usually, this consists of the main course, a side dish, crackers and spread, a dessert, candy, hot beverages (such as tea)., instant coffee, milk powder, and sugar) and some snacks or candy.

A spoon or spork, a napkin, and a flameless heater for warming your entree may also be included.

Although civilian equivalents are occasionally a little less, military MREs typically contain around 1,250 calories. Even eating three meals a day would give you more calories than the majority of people would require.

MREs Date Stamps

Because their shelf life depends on how they are stored, most MREs aren’t marked with an expiration date.

Instead, they’re stamped with a manufacturing date, which you can use to calculate the age of your rations.

Unfortunately, it’s not quite as simple as looking for a “June 2020” label…

Your MRE may be stamped with a number of different codes, but you’re looking for a four-digit code.

The first digit indicates the year of manufacture. For example, a “4” would be 2014, and a “9” would be 2019.

The remaining three digits tell you the day of the year. The number 169 stands in for June 19.

Therefore, you can see a code of 5350 in the image above, which denotes a manufacturing date of December 16, 2015.

Use our MRE date code convertor to quickly check the dates on your MREs

Knowing when the food was manufactured will give you a good idea of whether it is still safe to eat.

How Long Do MREs Last?

Since MREs don’t have a set expiration date, they can be consumed for up to three years if they are kept at a temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Some or all of the contents may last up to five years if they are kept at much lower temperatures. In contrast, they might only last a few months if they are left to bake in the Texas sun.

The manufacture date might not be all that helpful if you don’t know how your MREs have been kept in storage. The same is true for MREs that are a few months past the three-year mark—this does not necessarily mean they are unsafe to consume.

Why Do MREs Last Long?

MREs, go far beyond canned vegetables, which can occasionally last for months or even years. These meals are entirely prepared and include options like spaghetti and meatballs, beef ravioli, and cheese tortellini. MREs are still edible years after being purchased, even though meat and dairy products aren’t exactly known for having a long shelf life. What specifically makes this emergency food safe to consume for such a long time?

The packaging of MREs is one factor in their long shelf life. Because MRE kits are packaged airtight, bacteria cannot get inside and contaminate the food before it is even opened. It works on a similar principle to freezing food to preserve it: by slowing the growth of bacteria, freezing food makes it more palatable for longer periods of time.

MREs are allegedly loaded with preservatives and chemicals, according to some people. Although preservatives may be present in some MREs, this is not as common as you might think. Preservatives are absent from many MREs, including Meal Kit Supply MREs, which are entirely preservative-free.

MREs are also thoroughly cooked before packaging to ensure that all the bacteria are eliminated. Prior to being opened, the food is completely germ-free after being sterilized and packaged. These measures give MREs a much longer shelf life than typical food, allowing them to be stored unopened in a pantry or basement for years without going bad.

Lastly, sodium is a common ingredient in MREs. By drawing the water from the bacterial cells, salt, a natural disinfectant, kills bacteria. It works on the same principles as when you gargle with salt water to relieve a sore throat. The amount of salt in MREs keeps the food safe and palatable for a lot longer than regular processed foods do.

Signs That Your MREs Might Not Be Good To Eat

Most likely, before throwing out an old pot of yogurt that you find in the back of your refrigerator, you’ll give it a sniff. You can use your MREs in a similar manner.

Signs that an MRE might be past its best include:

  • Perforations or flaws in the laminated pouches could allow air to enter, tainting the contents.
  • The bag is swollen, which may be a sign that the bacteria that causes botulism may be present. It’s not worth the risk to expose yourself to the rare but serious illness known as botulism. Throw away the pack if your MRE appears bloated.
  • You are aware (or suspect) that it was kept at a high temperature during storage.
  • When you eat it, it has an odd taste or smell.

Military MRE cases come with a Time Temperature Indicator label that is a two-part circular indicator. With time and rising temperatures, the inner circle becomes darker. The MRE has outlived its recommended shelf life if it is darker than the outer circle. (source)

It’s important to keep in mind that some MRE components won’t last as long as others. Applesauce, peanut butter, and cheese spread typically spoil sooner than packaged foods or sweets.

How Can You Increase The Shelf Life Of Your MREs?

Despite their durability, MREs are not impenetrable in all circumstances. If they are not stored properly, they may become ruined well before their expiration date, giving the user a disappointing surprise when they finally open the package. To maximize the shelf-life of MREs, owners should take care to store them properly.

The recommended storage temperature for MREs is 60 degrees Fahrenheit on average. The temperature should never become too hot or too cold, though some fluctuation is acceptable. Though freezing your MREs can taint the food, they last longer at cooler temperatures. Anybody who purchases MREs should ensure they have a dry place with a constant temperature where they can store the package so it doesn’t get scalding hot in the summer or bitterly cold in the winter.

How Do You Know When To Replace Your MREs?

Despite their strength, MREs don’t last indefinitely. The majority of professionals advise discarding MREs five years after purchase. Some products, such as cheese and peanut butter, can actually go bad in spite of all the sterilization and preservatives used to preserve them. The longer they are kept in storage, the more the taste and nutrition degrade. If MREs have been subjected to temperatures that could spoil the food, they should also be thrown away.

Many individuals consume MREs that are ten to fifteen years old. Although it’s not impossible, eating MREs after five years can be dangerous. Contrary to popular belief, smell and appearance alone cannot determine whether food is safe to consume. Keep track of your MREs and know when it’s time to throw out an old package because there’s no point in keeping around a box of emergency food that could give you food poisoning.

Some manufacturers include a “Julian Date” code on the package that indicates the manufacturing date. Knowing whether or not a meal has expired can be done using this. The first digit of the code denotes the final digit of the year in which it was packaged, and the following three digits denote the day.

When Should MREs Be Used?


MREs should primarily be used in crisis situations. They may be nutrient- and energy-dense, but they aren’t necessarily intended to be consumed every day. When perishable food is unavailable due to emergencies like fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other calamities, MREs are the best option. Due to the lack of refrigeration and the high vitamin and mineral content, some campers and hikers also bring MREs on their outings.

How To Use MREs In Your Prepping Food Stash

An option for medium-term emergency food is MREs. They won’t last as long as the cans and packets from the grocery store, but they will outlast dehydrated and freeze-dried emergency food.

You may feel that having a short-term stockpile and a bunch of 20+ year meals is a better option than adding a third element to your food stash, but MREs have two significant advantages over freeze-dried food:

  1. They can be consumed either warm or cold.
  2. In order to prepare them, no water is required.

This enables you to make drinking water your top priority if you only have a limited supply of clean water. Since you can consume them cold, you won’t need to worry about using electricity, gas, or starting a fire if it’s not safe to do so (although many MREs come with a fireless heating kit).

Since each MRE is packaged as a full meal, they’re a convenient choice if you need to grab food quickly. You don’t run the risk of only eating dessert or forgetting to put sugar in your coffee, and you are certain that each packet contains a specific number of calories.

For more, see our post about how to cook MREs

Where Can I Buy MREs?

From shady dealers to online distributors, there are many places where you can purchase MREs. Buying from a reputable retailer is always advised. The best places to buy MREs online are listed below to make things simple for you.

You can make your own MREs if you’re on a tight budget, adhere to a special diet, or simply want to know exactly what’s in your food. To learn how to make your own survival MREs, see our guide. Also, keep in mind that MREs should only be used for temporary emergencies; for more information, see Are MREs Healthy?

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